October 28 - 29
NWSA Annual Meeting 2021
In-Person and Looking to the Future
The National Water Supply Alliance held its 2021 Annual Meeting in Kansas City, MO, on October 28 - 29, 2021. A huge thanks to our members and friends who participated in one of our largest in-person meetings to date. The meeting was hosted by Burns & McDonnell, and we welcomed 44 attendees at their amazing Headquarters campus.
In Kansas City, we enjoyed a series of excellent presentations, as well as candid dialogue on addressing challenges for water supply policy. In that regard, NWSA expresses its gratitude to the Corps of Engineers representatives who actively engaged with the attendees on the issues. The strong participation by the Corps at NWSA meetings is key to developing sensible water supply policy and enhancing management of the nation's water supply.
NWSA thanks Burns & McDonnell for its generosity and hospitality. In addition, NWSA appreciates the sponsorships of CDM Smith and King & Spalding. NWSA meetings are made possible by these supportive and generous sponsors.
The outstanding presentations from the NWSA Annual Meeting can be viewed and downloaded at the links below. ​
The Annual Meeting agenda included timely and informative topics, focused on decisions and actions for NWSA consideration and advocacy.
The Annual Meeting presentations can be downloaded by clicking the respective links below:
Thursday, October 28, 2021
President's Vision and Progress Report 2021 (Gore)
USACE Civil Works Update (Bush)
Water Supply: The Never-Ending Issue (Hall)
Securing (Water For) Our Future (Rogers)
Beaver Lake-Addressing Future Challenges (McCarty)
Sediment Management in Kansas (KWO)
Water Supply Priorities for a Southern CA Dam (Dyer)
Storage Accounting for Water Supply (Hudgens)
Surplus Water Pricing Methodology (Frantz)