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Policy Development


The NWSA Policy Committee, chaired by Andrew Morris, is responsible for monitoring USACE water supply policies, researching policies and procedures, identifying policy gaps, and developing NWSA positions and statements on these policies. 


In January and February 2022, the Policy Committee distributed a survey to all NWSA members, requesting input on a slate of current water supply policy issues to be addressed with the Corps of Engineers.  The survey did not include an exhaustive list of issues, and the goal of the survey was to identify the priority issues for NWSA to take on.  The policy issues survey can be found below, as well as a summary of the ranking of the issues.

To view the Policy Survey and the Summary of Results, click on the respective image below.

Policy survey cover.jpg
Policy survey results.jpg

The Policy Committee launched development of water supply policy statements and positions in March 2022, starting with the top 3-4 priorities.

At NWSA's 2022 Annual Meeting, the membership adopted the following policy statements, which can be accessed by clicking the links below.

Policy Statement #1 -- The Corps of Engineers Must Defer to State-Granted Water Rights

Policy Statement #2 -- The Corps of Engineers' Primary Role in Water Supply is Limited to Providing Storage Space and Not Water Itself.

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