Planning is underway for NWSA meetings in 2023. The tentative plan is to hold the DC Roundtable in early April. The meeting will be held jointly with the Interstate Council on Water Policy, with a slight tweak to the flow of the meeting. Next year’s meeting will be organized to allow each organization to spend more time on its specific business, but still provide some overlap to interact with each other on issues of mutual interest. Stay tuned for more details to follow as the logistics are sorted out.
For the NWSA Annual Meeting, the tentative plan is to convene in Denver, CO, in early September. The Corps Risk Management Center is based in Lakewood; the Center is responsible for dam safety risk assessments. In addition, reallocation issues are a focus for some Colorado water providers.
If you have any ideas or suggestions for meeting agenda topics, please contact NWSA Executive Director, Dave Mitamura, at