Andrea Travnicek, Ph.D.
In August 2021, Dr. Andrea Travnicek was appointed by Governor Burgum to oversee the North Dakota Department of Water Resources. In this role, Andrea oversees the management of water resources for the state through water development, regulatory responsibilities, planning, education, and safety.
Previously, Andrea was appointed by Governor Burgum in May 2020 to oversee the North Dakota Parks and Recreation Department. Prior to the Parks and Recreation appointment, she worked for the U.S. Department of the Interior in Washington, DC in various leadership roles beginning in 2017, which included overseeing the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service, and the Bureau of Land Management. From 2010 to 2016, Andrea served as the Senior Policy advisor of Natural Resources for Governors Hoeven and Dalrymple. In addition, Andrea also worked for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in the Sacramento, California, District Office.
Andrea has over 15 years of research and work experience within the natural resources, energy, agriculture, trade, national security, disaster response and recovery, communication, aviation, recreation, and public policy fields.
Organization Type: ND Department of Water Resources
Water Supply: Missouri River Reservoirs
Population Served: Unknown (but 3.7 MAF of 5.0 MAF total statewide appropriation is from the Missouri River)
Water Users: Water Supply, Flood Control, Irrigation, Hydropower, Navigation, Recreation, Fish and Wildlife, Water Quality
Total Storage Volume: 23.8 MAF (Lake Sakakawea/Garrison Dam); 23.1 MAF (Lake Oahe/Oahe Dam)
Key Issues/Challenges: Access to natural flows of river going through reservoirs, state water rights