The Corps of Engineers will host five stakeholder sessions to receive input from the public on provisions in WRDA 2020. The sessions will each focus on specific Corps business lines. The water supply session is scheduled for April 6, 2021 from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. ET.
These sessions are critical for members to express their interest in specific provisions in the WRDA bill, as well as provide input and recommendations on how the provisions should be implemented. In addition to the listening sessions, the public comment period is open until May 7, 2021 and the Corps will accept written comments up until that date.
To review the Federal Register notice announcing the Corps' WRDA stakeholder sessions and comment period, click on the button below.
The WRDA 2020 legislative language can be found within H.R. 133, The Consolidated Appropriations Act 2021. It is Division AA of the bill. To review WRDA, go to and select Text for the Enrolled bill (the Public Law version is not yet available).