In January, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) released a joint memorandum to clarify the evaluation of the effects of projects involving existing structures in Endangered Species Act Section 7 consultations. Click below to view the memo.
A limited number of organizations were briefed on the specifics of the memo and approach. Subsequently, the organizations gathered NWSA and other organizations with potential interest in the issues, and a letter was sent to USACE and NOAA requesting broader engagement on this topic. Click below to view the letter.
Executive Director Dave Mitamura and Board member Greg Volkhardt continue to engage and monitor the issue as part of the larger group effort. On May 13, 2022, Greg participated in a virtual meeting with the group and representatives from NOAA and USACE. Generally, the federal agencies gave a slide presentation and heard feedback from the group. The agencies were non-committal on next steps. Dave and Greg will continue to follow developments related to this issue, pursuant to a group letter sent to USACE and NOAA on June 17th. Click below to view the NOAA-USACE presentation slides and the Association follow up June 17 letter.