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The National Water Supply Alliance held its Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh, PA, on October 3-4, 2019 Thanks to our members and friends who participated in the meeting, and to the generous sponsors who helped make the meeting a huge success.


The agenda included many prominent speakers, highlighted by a luncheon keynote by Major General Scott Spellmon, Deputy Commanding General for Civil and Emergency Operations at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.  MG Spellmon addressed very key and current issues, including the memorandum from the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works directing the Corps to postpone the issuing of a final water supply rule for at least six months.  He also noted the Corps' increasing recognition of the need for state consultation on a variety of topics covered by the proposed water supply rulemaking.  NWSA is coordinating and providing input on the state consultation sessions.


In additional conversations with MG Spellmon and Corps of Engineers water supply representatives, the subject of revising or refining definitions (e.g., surplus water) and developing policy on return flows were discussed.


Other interesting agenda items included new member presentations, reallocation efforts in the Brazos river basin, an update on the Waters of the US rule, a presentation on the Corps' Revolutionize Civil Works initiative, and a study on interbasin transfers.  Presentation slides can be viewed and downloaded at the following links:


NWSA Annual Meeting Agenda

Riverbend Water Resources District

Central Arkansas Water

Brazos River reallocations

USACE Revolutionize Civil Works

MG Scott Spellmon, USACE

Macfarlan WOTUS

Benavides WRDA

Dzombak IBT - Will be made available

after research is published





The NWSA Annual Meeting was held at the K&L Gates Center in downtown Pittsburgh 


Ada Benavides, Corps of Engineers, discusses the Water Resources Development Act


Darren Gore (R) and Dave Mitamura (C) present Earl Lewis (L) with the President's Award to honor his service as the organization's first President.

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