Andrew Dehoff
Andrew Dehoff's appointment as Executive Director in September 2013, followed two three-year management assignments at the Commission. Oversight of the Commission’s regulatory program entailed directing the review of applications and formulation of recommendations and policies related to proposed surface and groundwater withdrawals, interbasin transfers, and the consumptive use of water by industries, power generation facilities, and the natural gas industry. Prior to holding management positions, he provided twelve years of service in water availability and safe yield analyses, reservoir operations, and drought and flood management. Mr. Dehoff earned his B.S. and M.E. in Civil Engineering from the University of Virginia and has been a licensed professional engineer in Pennsylvania since 2002.
Organization Type:
Federal/interstate compact commission.
Water Supply: Cowanesque and Curwensville Lakes, Pennsylvania.
Population Served: 6.1 million.
Water Users: Industry, Power Generation.
Total Storage Volume: approx. 30,000 ac-ft.
Key Issues/Challenges: Use of federal storage for low-flow augmentation.